Friday, March 15, 2013

Ibises ,,,those funky looking birds

There is not much to say about these birds other than they are my favorite to look at ,,,kind of a artsy fartsy looking bird with its long red curved beak and white body with the wings trimmed in black feathers. 

I have been intrigued with them for the last 9 years or so since I saw two hanging around the yard of a local high school on Roanoke Island ...and then started noticing more after those two had little ones. 

Then during tropical storm Beryl in a neighborhood just off of 64 , the yards had flooded and there must have been 50 or more there , drilling the ground for bugs to eat.  It was quite a scene.  

These photos were a blessing to me earlier this week...I was driving to the store and saw the first one standing in some old dead wood in marshland of Wanchese, NC.  

Enjoy ....

This is my favorite photo of this day....A friend titled this "put your left foot in"

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